Dead Ready Productions

+44 (0)208 339 6139


5 Video Content Marketing Ideas For Software Brands To Use

In the latest of our Marketing Tips vlog series, Chris Tongue, Creative Director at Dead Ready Productions, explains 5 video content ideas that software brands should implement into their marketing strategy.

The content of which can be found below.

Hi! This time we’re going to look at 5 video content ideas that suit software brands.

Software platforms are becoming more and more powerful, but with that comes complexity.

Video offers the opportunity to highlight the benefits of your offering without having to send a sales rep to do a demo.

So here are 5 ideas for demystifying the power of your software through video.

1. Promo

The promotional video for your product is the banner advert for your product. This video should offer a teaser of the power of your products and excite your audience.

Don’t worry about granular detail here, just make sure that your product looks impressive; consider representing key facets of your product through metaphor and don’t be afraid to swing for the fences – this really is an advert for your product, so make it look great!

2. Case Study

As is so often true in video marketing, case studies present a really compelling reason for your potential clients to buy your product.

Firstly, identify your evangelists from your existing client base and incentivise them to be involved by offering them something of value as a thank you.

Send your production team to their place of business and shoot an interview with your customer, plus loads of content of the software in action, helping your customer achieve their business goals.

Potential customers relate to these videos and they can be a massive sales driver.

3. Demos

These videos are often animated demonstrations of how your software works when addressing a common issue your clients face.

These videos should be seen as mini-showreels for different corners of the software so make sure you keep the production values

4. Tips

This is where the granular detail comes in. Help your customers see how easy it is to work with your programme by demonstrating how to use the software to complete common tasks.

These easily can be shown through screen capture videos recorded by your sales team – just make sure that they are recorded clearly using a professional microphone, not the mic on the laptop.

5. Update Vlogs

Make sure that your customers are informed and excited by any new developments or features by creating a regular vlog.

Your customers will always be interested in new features so humanise your brand by going on camera and talking to them directly.

So, there you are, 5 video ideas for software content campaigns.

For more helpful information, top tips and useful guides on video production, keep an eye out for our next vlog – coming soon!

If you would like to discuss how Dead Ready Productions could help you to further enjoy the benefits of video for your business, please get in touch via the button below or by calling +44 (0)208 339 6139.


Publishing Your Video – What To Check Before You Share It With The World

Once all stakeholders have had their say and the content of a video has been signed off, you don’t want to waste any time before publishing your video to the world.

However, it’s worth making sure you do a few things first, before you go ahead.

Mike Plenty, Managing Director at Dead Ready Productions, explains the steps you should take in our latest 60 second production tips vlog. The content of which can be found below.

1. Tell your production company

Your video production team will be best positioned to advise that the video is ready to distribute.

There may be elements of the video content that are still in a draft format, or require licensing, which they will need to address.

2. Check titles and web addresses

People often go by different job titles depending on the context, so make sure everyone who appears is happy with how their name appears in the video.

Also, check that all URLS and social media handles are correct.

3. Use the highest quality version

Don’t make the mistake of posting a low-resolution version of the video file online.

Always use the highest quality you can – video platforms can scale videos down if needed to meet different bandwidths, but they can’t scale up.

4. Download and keep an offline copy

Make sure you have a copy of the video file that you can keep on a local drive or server.

This gives you peace of mind and means you’re not reliant on always having an internet connection to watch the video.

For more top tips, helpful information and useful guides on video production, keep an eye out for our next vlog – coming soon!

In the meantime, if you have a filming brief, or you would like to find out more about the animation, photography and graphic design services Dead Ready Productions can offer your business, simply get in touch via the button below or by calling +44 (0)208 339 6139.