Dead Ready Productions

+44 (0)208 339 6139

The Benefits Of Video And Why It Is Essential To Any Marketing Strategy

Video has proven itself to be a highly effective marketing tool for businesses. It helps spread the message of your brand, products and services in a uniquely compelling way, delivering a host of benefits unmatched by other mediums.

By incorporating video into their marketing strategies, marketers enjoy a range of advantages to help their business connect in a more engaging and impactful way with their target audience.

In this article, we explore the benefits of video and why it should be an integral part of any successful marketing plan.

Increased Engagement

The dynamic nature of video means it has the power to keep people interested and engaged for longer.

According to Optinmonster, 72% of customers say they would rather learn about a product or service by way of video, whilst 83% of video marketers claim that video has helped increase the average time visitors spend on their website pages (Wyzwol).

This increased engagement can translate into higher levels of brand awareness, increased website traffic and stronger relationships with your target audience, making it a powerful tool for communicating your message and ultimately leading to more people buying from your brand.

Greater Emotional Impact

Research by Insivia, found that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in the text.

With the help of social-sharing platforms, video content that is emotional, educational, and relatable is the most likely to go viral within hours, potentially acquiring millions of views for your business.

So, whether you’re trying to evoke laughter, sadness, joy or any other emotion, creating an emotional connection with your audience can be a powerful motivator for them to take action.

This powerful and thought provoking video, Real Beauty Sketches, which is one of the most famous Dove films is a great example of the power of emotion to hook an audience.

The video explores the gap between how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves as each woman is the subject of two portraits drawn by FBI-trained forensic artist Gil Zamora: one based on her own description and the other using a stranger’s observations.

Another example is the below video by Getup! – an independent movement of more than one million people who are working to build a progressive Australia and help put people back into politics.

This video highlights the support of marriage equality and although now over 11 years old, it’s message is as impactful and thought provoking as it was when first released.

Better Reach

Video content is shared 1200% more times than links and written content combined, with people two times more likely to share videos with their friends than any other type of content. So, when it comes to potential reach, video is unbeaten.

As a result, video can help you connect with the right people and reach your target audience on a scale that would be difficult to achieve with other marketing methods.

Add into the mix the popularity of social media platforms and when people share video content, it exposes your business to an audience outside of your original target market.

According to The Marketing Helpline, posts on social media that contain video get 48% more views. As a result, word-of-mouth marketing can have a significant impact on conversions as people are more likely to watch a video shared by those they know.

This is why video has the highest organic reach of all types of content.

Improved Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Video is a powerful tool for improving your search engine optimisation efforts, with search engines such as Google, favouring websites that incorporate video into their content.

One of the biggest ways that video content can improve your SEO has to do with Google’s internal algorithm for generating search engine results pages.

Google values two things above all others – the quality of your content and its relevance to someone’s original search terms. So, if your website features a mixture of text and quality visuals, like video, it means your pages are as varied as they are informative.

You can also leverage the power of video SEO through YouTube, which is the second-largest search engine after Google with more than 1.3 billion users and over 15 billion videos watched every day. (monsterinsights)

By featuring your video content on platforms such as these, it will help improve your search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your site, thus leading to increased brand exposure and a higher return on investment for your marketing efforts.

Increased Conversion Rates

Video has been proven to boost conversion rates. This is backed up by research carried out by WordStream, which found that including a video on your landing page can boost your conversion rate by up to 80%. In fact, 84% of people say they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video. (Optinmonster)

These stats show that by showcasing your products or services in a visual and engaging way such as video, you can persuade more people to act and make a purchase.

This video which we produced for Wrapmaster to highlight their new 98% recycled foil product, had some great results for them, specifically within trade media, causing a spike in page views on the Wrapmaster website.

Some fantastic results were also achieved on social media, with high impressions, engagements, and media views.


Video is one of the most cost-effective marketing tools available. With varied production approaches that can be tailored as needed to match specific marketing budgets, cost is no barrier to harnessing the benefits that video can offer.

Compared to traditional advertising methods such as print or television adverts, video provides a higher return on investment. According to research by WordStream, marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users, making it a smart choice for businesses of all sizes.

Once produced, video can be easily shared and distributed across multiple platforms, ultimately maximising investment and providing long-term benefits to your business.

In Conclusion

Not only is consumer appetite for video content continually growing, but there is now a wide body of research demonstrating the significant impact such content can have for a business. We’ve outlined some of these research findings in this article, but this is really just scratching the surface.

By showcasing your products or services in an engaging way, video can persuade more people to act upon your call to action, driving awareness and sales, and increasing revenue for your business. What more could you want?

If you would like to discuss how Dead Ready Productions could help you to further enjoy the benefits of video for your business, please get in touch via the button below or by calling +44 (0)208 339 6139.


Publishing Your Video – What To Check Before You Share It With The World

Once all stakeholders have had their say and the content of a video has been signed off, you don’t want to waste any time before publishing your video to the world.

However, it’s worth making sure you do a few things first, before you go ahead.

Mike Plenty, Managing Director at Dead Ready Productions, explains the steps you should take in our latest 60 second production tips vlog. The content of which can be found below.

1. Tell your production company

Your video production team will be best positioned to advise that the video is ready to distribute.

There may be elements of the video content that are still in a draft format, or require licensing, which they will need to address.

2. Check titles and web addresses

People often go by different job titles depending on the context, so make sure everyone who appears is happy with how their name appears in the video.

Also, check that all URLS and social media handles are correct.

3. Use the highest quality version

Don’t make the mistake of posting a low-resolution version of the video file online.

Always use the highest quality you can – video platforms can scale videos down if needed to meet different bandwidths, but they can’t scale up.

4. Download and keep an offline copy

Make sure you have a copy of the video file that you can keep on a local drive or server.

This gives you peace of mind and means you’re not reliant on always having an internet connection to watch the video.

For more top tips, helpful information and useful guides on video production, keep an eye out for our next vlog – coming soon!

In the meantime, if you have a filming brief, or you would like to find out more about the animation, photography and graphic design services Dead Ready Productions can offer your business, simply get in touch via the button below or by calling +44 (0)208 339 6139.


Take A Tour Of Our Brand New In-House Studio

Follow Chris Tongue, Creative Director at Dead Ready Productions, as he takes you on a tour of the newly refurbished in-house studio – the ideal space for recording your vlogs!

The newly refurbished studio space includes an acoustically-sound voice over booth, spacious client edit suite for post production and a dedicated green screen area with a bespoke lighting rig.

If you would like to find out more about the vlog, video, animation, photography and graphic design services Dead Ready Productions can offer your business, please feel free to get in touch via the button below or by calling +44 (0)208 339 6139.

Lights. Camera. Jargon! A Guide To Understanding The Top 20 Video Production Terms

Video production is a powerful and rewarding process, but it often involves technical language and terminology that can be daunting to those who are new to using video in their marketing plans.

Whether you’re a beginner, a seasoned pro or you’re about to work with a video production crew for the first time on a client project, having a basic understanding of the language used will help you navigate the world of video production with ease.

So, to help get you started, here’s a blog to demystify the 20 most commonly used video production terms.

Top 20 Video Production Terms


Footage or Rushes:

Raw, unedited video that has been recorded.


A single still image in a paused moment in a video.

Frame Rate:

The number of frames recorded or played back per second. Generally, videos are between 24 and 30 frames per second

Aspect Ratio:

The proportional relationship between the width and height of a video image. This is often different between social platforms so knowing where you’re posting is important in choosing the right aspect ratio.


The number of pixels in a video image, typically measured in width x height. The higher the resolution, the higher the quality, but also the higher the file size, which might mean viewers online with slower bandwidths might experience buffering issues.


Frames in a video that contain complete data and are used to define the starting and ending points of a change. These are particularly essential in animated videos.

Green Screen:

A technique used to replace the background of a video. Filming takes place against a solid colour (usually green but can also be blue) and everything of that colour is made transparent in post production.


The process of combining multiple video layers into a single image. For example, adding a text title over footage or replacing a background in a greenscreen video

Non-linear Editing:

The process of editing video using a computer-based system, as opposed to traditional linear editing methods where reels of physical film were cut with scissors and glued together


The process of creating a final video file from an edit.

Sync Sound:

The process of synchronizing audio and video tracks in a film or video production.

Audio Mixer:

A device used to adjust the balance of audio signals from multiple sources.

Boom Mic:

A long, handheld microphone used to capture audio on location.

Cut (or edit point):

A transition between two shots in a video, typically achieved by cutting the image and audio abruptly.


A transition between two shots in a video, in which the image and/or audio gradually fade in or out.


A transition between two shots in a video, in which one image slowly fades out as the other fades in.


A shot in which the camera moves horizontally from one side to the other.


A shot in which the camera moves vertically, either up or down.


A shot in which the camera’s field of view appears to be getting closer or further away from the subject.


There are many technical terms used in the world of video production, but hopefully this short list provides a start for anyone looking to communicate with professionals in the industry.

If you would like to discuss how Dead Ready Productions could help with your video production requirements, please feel free to get in touch via the button below or by calling +44 (0)208 339 6139.

How Can A Product Video Help Promote My Business?

With people twice as likely to share videos with their friends than any other type of content, it’s undeniable that video is an essential way to bring your product to market and a fantastic opportunity to showcase your brand.

Whether you’re a small start up with the latest mind-blowing product that we didn’t know we needed, or a corporate giant with new, innovative software that will revolutionise businesses across the globe, video marketing is a powerful way to share your product with the world and the great news, you don’t need a blockbuster-scale budget to do so!

In this article we share our top tips to make sure your product video is a success and explain the services Dead Ready Productions offer which will ensure you’re in safe hands when it comes to creating your video. But first, let’s start by sharing some compelling statistics about video marketing – because who doesn’t love a stat?

Cisco reports that 82% of global internet traffic will come from either video streaming or video downloads in 2022.

This figure is set to increase as companies continue to realise the importance of this medium, so take action now to start exploring how video could form part of your marketing strategy.

As reported by Wyzowl in their 2022 Video Marketing Statistics Report, a staggering 96% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.

This proves that video is an essential sales tool and that potential buyers look for this information to learn about your product whilst considering their purchase.

It was reported by Statista that in 2021, online videos had a worldwide audience reach of 92% among internet users.

With nearly 3.5 billion internet users set to consume video by 2023 it’s essential that you are engaging with audiences in this way to promote your products to potential customers.

According to data collected by Statista, over three billion internet users will watch, stream or download video content during 2022.

This figure is projected to increase annually, reaching nearly 3.5 billion by 2023, which makes producing video content undeniably the most powerful format you can include in your marketing strategy.⠀

These are just four tips of the ice berg when it comes to the power of video and with figures this big, you could be forgiven for thinking video might be on the verge of hitting saturation point. Yet, thankfully (especially for us), that’s not the case! There are still underutilised opportunities you can explore, so taking this all into consideration, how do you go about writing a brief for a product video that will ensure you get the best response from your customers?

We provide our 3 top tips for making sure you get the most out of your product video and explain how Dead Ready Productions can bring your brief to life.


3 Top Tips For Making The Most Of Your Product Video


1. Keep It Positive

The phrase “Ever had that thing happen that really isn’t great?” never features in the world’s most successful promotional videos. So, despite it being an age-old sales tactic to outline the problem that your product fixes…

You need to ditch all the negative connotations and keep your video positive by emphasising the benefits your product will bring to the user.

Writing a video brief can feel daunting, but the best way is to break it down into simple stages. First start by answering the following two questions “What do you want to say? and “Who do you want to say it to?”, then consider the pain points of your potential customers and list the benefits that your product will bring – your aim is to leave your audience with an overwhelming sense that you are the solution they’ve been looking for and they can’t possibly live without ‘you’ in their life.

2. Keep It Brief

This is essentially a tip for every promotional video of almost any kind – use the minimum amount of your audience’s time to convey your message.

Audiences are more time poor than ever before and they have an endless array of choices. They are not forced to watch your product video, they will choose to, so if they are not engaged, they’ll turn off or move onto the next. It’s that simple. They’ll also associate your brand with boredom, however subconsciously, and no one wants that!

The golden rule is to try to keep your product video to a maximum 90 seconds. If you do need longer, you’ll need to work a lot harder to retain interest in your video.

You can do this by ensuring you have a stronger concept and a greater variety of content to keep them engaged, but ideally keeping your product video concise, engaging and if the subject matter allows it, even fun, needs to be your main priority.

3. Have An Identity

Consumers have become incredibly savvy shoppers, so a product video is a fantastic way to show the world who you are as a company, your background, your ethos and your fantastic products.

People don’t just want the short-term fix of buying a product, they want a background story. They want to feel like they’re part of an exclusive and knowledgeable community when they make their purchase.

It is therefore essential that your product video aligns with the rest of your brand values, so keep this in mind when you’re writing your brief. It will guarantee your product video hits all the right buttons with your audience and will keep them watching for longer.



How Can Dead Ready Productions Help You With Your Product Video?


In addition to a whole host of video, animation, photography and graphic design services to help businesses promote their services or products, there are three specific types of product video that Dead Ready Productions produce. These include:

Studio-Based Product Videos

These demonstrate the craftsmanship of your product with a studio video shoot, where every detail can be captured in a controlled environment to ensure that your product looks more appealing than ever.

Lifestyle Product Films

If you really want your customers to understand how much of a benefit your products can bring to their life, consider a lifestyle shoot where the product is featured prominently in desirable and exciting real-world contexts.

Ecommerce & Retail Videos

Product videos used to accompany listings on ecommerce websites are a powerful way to drive sales as they can offer a 360 degree view of your product that photography alone can’t achieve. This style of product video not only helps you get more qualified leads through the door, it can also increase your chances of converting a sale.


If you have a video brief, or you would like to find out more about the services Dead Ready Productions can offer your business, simply get in touch via the Contact page on our website or by calling +44 (0)208 339 6139.


* Statistics courtesy of the Social Shepherd.

Product Video Blog