Dead Ready Productions

+44 (0)208 339 6139


17th June, 2011

Vox Pop Interviews

How To Conduct Vox Pop Interviews At Events

We’re producing more and more event videos these days and we’re often asked for tips on how to obtain the best sound bites from the vox pop interviews that tend to form the backbone of these sorts of edits. So I thought I’d write some down. What follows below isn’t an exhaustive list of dos […]

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18th April, 2011

Dead Ready Website May 2011

New Website Online!

Good news, the new Dead Ready Productions website is now online! It’s taken us a little while to get here and there’s been a lot of work behind the scenes, but we now have a site that says significantly more about who we are and the work that we do. And – in what we […]

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15th April, 2011

Mini DV vs Compactflash card

Tapes vs Tapeless

When Dead Ready Productions got off the ground a year and a half ago, we needed to invest in shed-loads of new kit  – not least of which was our new cameras. This presented a wee dilemma for us as we recognized that the world was moving past the use of tapes but all of […]

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